A Well + Nourished Soul Podcast

Your tools and resources to learn and inspire you to bring forward the best version of yourself.

Latest episode from your host

Ashley George

I hope the conversations we have on this podcast speak directly to your heart. I hope you can take some of the knowledge shared and apply it to your own daily lives. Opening your mind and heart and allowing the conversations to also spark curiosity about life and your truth. Inspiring you to lead with the best version of yourself. Leaving you feel more connected to your heart, power, and truth more then ever before!

A Well + Nourished Soul Podcast

Ashley George is the host of A Well + Nourished Soul podcast. She loves seeking curiosity and bringing forward knowledge for everyone to understand what is possible from within. She has a passion for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being, allowing others to truly be inspired to live their best lives. Feeling their most alive and well. She loves to teach about intuition, the angels, and our own personal connection to the divine. She is a busy mother to three knowing how impactful it is to take care of ourselves, heal, and lead by example for our families. Showing up as our best versions of ourselves, so we can empower our families to do the same!


Book an angel message with Ashley today!

In this one-hour intuitive session, your angels will share with you who you truly are on a soul level and offer validation for your soul’s true path.